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The Programming department is responsible for scheduling events and panels.

The programming department strives to create a better experience for our attendees by collecting information on what panels they prefer to attend. In addition to keeping attendance, comment cards will be made available so that attendees can share their opinions about the panels with us. We are also strictly managing mainstage to keep the content clean for all ages.

Panel Acceptance

We accept anything! (Except the stuff that we don’t) In all reality there is very little that will make us not accept a panel. Possible exclusions include but are not limited to: Live Nudity, Panelist not allowed to run panels, Panel not a fit for con, person submitting wants us to run a panel.

Panel submissions should all be in by approximately a month and a half before con. This should give the department time to accept all of the panels, and get them scheduled so the panels are listed in the Con Book, historically con book has a deadline a month before con.


Generally all guest panels should be accepted (they’re guests) however the panel should be checked to see if it is a fit for the Con.

Guests get highest priority in primetime panel slots. Guests get first priority on Panel Main. Be vigilant about trying to allow guests to attend other guests panels (especially their friends) to the best of your ability; Some of our long standing guests like to help out on the other Guests panels.

Fan Panels

Fan panels are what give our con it’s own flavor, that is unique to this cons attendees. We should try to be open to letting fans give the panels they want. But as alway they can’t be too far off from what SNAFU Con is about.


We aim to give the panelist the time slot they ask for assuming it is reasonably possible. If it is not possible to accommodate a panelist’s request Programming should reach out to the panelist to let them know, and identify the best time slot possible.

18+ Content

A general rule for 18+ content is late at night after the ‘youngsters’ have gone to bed this way there is less chance of them sneaking in, and they aren’t excluded from much content.

At Con

Panel Attendance Counts

Each panel needs to have the attendance taken 3 times during each panel. Once at the beginning as attendees enter, once in the middle of the panel, and once near the end of the panel.

This attendance count should be written down and all panel counts should be given to the Panel Check-In desk after a rover’s shift.

Panel Badge Check

Every panel should have one person outside in order to check attendee’s badges. Various policies for checking badges are as follows:

  • Staff/Volunteers are not allowed to touch our attendees.
  • Customer service is king, always be polite
  • All doors should be attended, if any aren’t use your radio or if you don’t have one tell the first passing staff member. DO NOT leave your post.
  • You need to see the front of a person’s badge. If you can’t a good phrase to use is “Can I please see the front of your badge?”

Time Check Flags

Panels that are an hour or longer need to be ended 10 minutes early in order to give staff time to prep the room for the next panelist

Comment Cards

Comment cards will be made available to attendees and should be passed out while entering the panel room along with a pencil used to fill the card out. These cards will then be collected while the attendees are leaving. Don’t forget to also check the room’s chairs for comment cards that are left behind. All cards will be kept in an envelope for the room they are filled out for.

Panelist Check In

Panelists should check in for their panel at least thirty minutes before their panel. Exceptions can be made to check people in early and guests are not required to check-in for any of their panels.

Tardy/Absentee Panelist Policy

Panelists who fail to show up for their panel without a sufficient excuse are a HUGE red flag. With few exceptions they should be barred from running panels at SNAFU Con in future years or be the last ones scheduled.

Main Stage

Any mature content on main stage should be kept to an ABSOLUTE minimum. From 6am-11pm no 16+ content will be tolerated at all. Breaking this rule will result in immediate ejection from the stage. Main stage is for performers and contestants, and the number of people on stage should be limited. There should be no ‘dead air’ on main stage regardless of the number of people out in the crowd.

Video Room

One person will be watching the video room however they WILL NOT be checking badges. This person’s primary job is to watch over the equipment and manage any comment cards the viewers might fill out. Here is our current video list: Screeners