Lost and Found

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Lost and Found


RECEIVED ITEMS When an item is found, it should be turned in to the Lost and Found located at Peace bonding/Rover's desk. When a lost item is received, one must do the following:

1. Fill-out the Lost and Found slip. Include the badge number of the person who found it, where it was found and when, and a detailed description of the found item. If it is a phone, wallet (or purse), money or medication, please proceed to the proper section below.

2. Place the missing item in a sealed envelope. Attach the Lost and Found slip to the envelope and place it in the secure location for lost and found items. Double check the slips in the "Lost" envelope to see if someone may come by looking for the item. If there is a slip in the "Lost" envelope that fits the description, contact the attendee and proceed to the next section.

LOST ITEMS When someone arrives to claim a lost item, one must do the following:

1. Gather as much information from the person as possible regarding the lost item. Remember to ask them where they remember having the item last and around when. If they are searching for a lost phone, wallet (or purse), money or medication, please proceed to the proper section below.

2. After gathering what information you can, go to the secure location where the lost and found items are kept. Search through the slips and see if any slip meets with their description. Then do as follows:

     a1. If there is only one slip matching their description, return to the desk with the closed envelope. Open the envelope and show it to the attendee.  If it is theirs, have them sign the slip (include badge #). Place the slip in the envelope marked "Returned".  If the item is not theirs, put the item in a new envelope (if new seal is needed) and attached the slip to that envelope.  Then, have the attendee fill out a slip stating what item was lost, their badge number and any other relevant information. Place this form in the envelope marked "Lost".
     a2. If there are multiple slips matching their description, gather them all and return to the desk with the closed envelopes.  One at a time, open the envelope and show the items to the attendee until their item is found.  If none of the envelopes contain their item, put the items in new envelopes (if new seal is needed) and attached the slips to their respective envelopes.  Then, have the attendee fill out a slip stating what item was lost, their badge number and any other relevant information. Place this form in the envelope marked "Lost". 
     b. If there are none, fill out a slip stating what item was lost, their badge number and any other relevant information. Place this form in the envelope marked "Lost".


If an attendee finds a phone and turns it in, take down all relevant information regarding the phone (include if the phone is locked, description of the background, etc.) Double-check if the phone has In Case of Emergency (ICE) contacts. These can be found under the "Emergency Call" or phone buttons on a lock-screen. You may contact the people on the ICE contacts and see if they have another way to contact the owner. You cannot go through someone's contacts if they are not on an ICE list. If not, see if you can get the owner's name from the ICE contact. We may be able to look them up in the registration system. Complete 1 and 2 of the RECEIVED ITEMS procedures.

When someone comes to claim a phone, complete the LOST ITEMS procedures above. In addition, ask if they can unlock the phone for you if it is locked.

Wallet (or purse)

If a wallet (or purse) is found, contact llama immediately. Then, complete the steps for RECEIVED ITEMS. DO NOT GO THROUGH THE WALLET (OR PURSE). When he arrives, llama will go through the wallet (or purse) with you to index what is inside the wallet (or purse). He will then seal the envelope himself and sign. He will make sure to include the person's name if the wallet (or purse) has an ID. DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING OUT OF A WALLET (OR PURSE) WITHOUT LLAMA. When someone comes to claim a wallet (or purse), complete the steps for LOST ITEMS above. You must verify the person's name on their badge with that written on the envelope. Only the owner of the wallet (or purse) may pick-up the wallet (or purse). You may also give it to a legal guardian. If llama is not available, contact the acting floor manager (this includes head of rovers).


If money is turned in, contact llama or the acting floor manager. You will both verify the exact amount turned in. Place the money into a sealed envelope. The floor manager will sign. If someone comes to claim money, contact llama or the acting floor manager. They will determine if the person claiming the money has the correct amount and denominations.


If someone turns in medication, take a description of what was turned in. Look for a name on the label (if the bottle still have a label) and note the color and general size of the pills on a slip. DO NOT PLACE THE MEDICATION IN AN ENVELOPE. Put the slip away as if with a found item. The medication must be turned in to the venue. If someone is seeking lost medication, see if a slip for medication was turned in that matches their name/description. If so, let them know the venue has their medication. If not, let them know that all medication turned in goes to the venue.

Unclaimed Items

At the end of the convention, all unclaimed lost and found items go to the venue, with the exception of money. If after 30 days no one claims found cash, the money will then be donated to the convention charity that year.