Cosplay Meetup Procedures

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How to host a meetup

1. Make sure you have the time, room number, character list, photo suggestions, and game suggestions

2. Arrive at the room 5-10 minutes before it starts

3. If the room is ready, wait for people to start arriving. If it is not ready, set up the room by moving chairs to the side leaving an open wall for cosplayers to stand in front of

4. After waiting 5-10 from the start of the meetup go ahead and get everyone's attention, announce that you are hosting the meetup

5. Begin by separating the cosplayers and the photographers

6. Let the photographers set up in front of where the cosplayers will be posing

7. Pull out your list of photo suggestions and call out one i.e. family members, an idol group, or by season

8. Wait for the cosplayer called from that group to get in position

9. Tell them to pose and when they are finished signal the photographers

10. After 30 seconds stop the photographers and let the cosplayers change poses. Do this 2-3 times and move on to another group

11. Once you do all of the suggested groups ask the cosplayers/photographers for suggestions

12. If they have some do a few, If not then move on to the game suggestions

13. Announce that there are games everyone could play

14. If there are people interested, play a few games from the suggested list. If not then announce the start of mingle time until the end of the timeslot

15. Wait until the end of the timeslot to set the chairs back up for the next slot