Room block reconciliation

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Revision as of 12:41, 25 September 2019 by TJSomething (talk | contribs) (Started on how to reconcile room block)
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Every year, we have a spreadsheet in Google Docs to help us make sure that we're on target for getting enough rooms to meet our minimums and reconcile hotel-provided delegate lists with digital records provided by hotel reservation services.

Importing from Passkey

  1. Log into Passkey.
  2. Run the full room list report.
  3. Copy columns A to BQ (inclusive) without headers. The first column should be "Hotel Hotel" and the last column should be "Locale".
  4. Paste them into the Passkey worksheet at C2, the first data row with the header "Hotel Hotel".
  5. Find all the zeroes in the "Reconcile" column, select the "ResAckNo" next to them them by Ctrl-clicking, and copy them.
  6. Paste special them as values only at the end of column B of the "Reconcile" worksheet.

Importing from BACON

  1. In the database, run
    SELECT * FROM `roomblock` WHERE year = (SELECT id FROM years WHERE current = 'current')
  2. Export the result to your favorite spreadsheet format.
  3. Copy the data without headers to A2 of the BACON worksheet (the first data row of the "Confirmation" column).