Main Stage

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Main Stage crew operates during the convention. We are there to entertain and inform the audience. At no time should the stage be quiet with nothing on the projector. If there are no activities planned or going on, play some music or videos. Main Stage crew is there to relay announcement to the convention. Announcements should be given to a person off stage, transcribed into writing, and then announced over the speakers. Some announcements do not need to be written, i.e. promote the vendor’s room before it closes in 10 minutes. At no time should Main Stage crew touch or mess with Tech’s equipment, i.e. Speakers or projectors. The exception to this rule is unmuting microphones and other small things. When in doubt, ask tech.


Be able to speak in front of crowds Know how to use a microphone Have the ability to get peoples attention when needed Interact with other Main Stage crew


  1. Assist panelist on main stage.
    • Inform people going on main stage about proper mic usage and the stage rules
  2. Relay important announcements
  3. Make sure there is something going on at all times
    • Entertain the crowd
    • If there is no crowd, get one
    • If you cannot get one, then play some music or videos

Literal Stage

2016: 40' Wide, 12' Deep

Stage Rules

  1. Use stairs
  2. Set number of people (10-20?)
  3. PG-13
  4. No rough behavior
  5. Do not touch tech’s equipment
  6. Host is in control (Stage GOD)
  7. Only Main Stage staff and authorize personnel are allowed to use microphones.
  8. We have prizes!

Filler Ideas

  1. Jan Ken Pon
  2. List of Jokes
  3. Skits
  4. Songs
  5. Hold Music
  6. Speed run videos
  7. Golden eye
  8. Monty Python Cartoons
  9. Anime Soul Train
  10. Benny Hills have eyes
  12. Numberwang
  13. *Wang