Checking IDs

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  • Absolutely no one under the age of 18 is allowed to check IDs for our 18+ programming. NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Unless you're running the programming or are a chair, be ready to show ID.
  • Rovers Department handles checking IDs.
  • Person checking IDs is to have a radio so that they can call up the chain if there are any issues.
  • Person checking IDs is NOT TO LEAVE their door until:
    • The 18+ programming for that door is over and is okay to let general audience into again (note we do back-to-back 18+ so just because one panel ended doesn't mean the door can be left without an ID checker)
    • Someone has come and relieved them (temporarily or permanently)

Same as All Rovers

  • If someone is determined to push past you, let them by. Then alert uppers (start with the person running the programming) that their ID wasn't checked and they pushed past you. Do not try to physically stop anyone.
  • If someone is being difficult, get someone above you to handle them.

Requirements to be an ID Checker

  • Have own ID
  • Good customer service skills (be friendly)
  • Authorized to have, and have checked out a radio
  • Be able to understand and perform the following instructions:


  1. If they don't immediately hand you their ID, ask them for a "Valid Picture ID" This must be a government issued picture ID. Acceptable IDs:
    • Driver's License/Permit
    • State ID
    • Military ID
    • Passport
  2. Take the ID in your hands so you can feel it.
    1. If they left it in their wallet, ask them to take it out. You need to be able to hold and feel the ID. If they refuse to take their ID out of their wallet/holder then it may be fake.
    2. Apologize. "I am sorry but per our policy, I have to hold the ID outside of any enclosures. I would be happy to get someone higher up for you to speak with but I can not let you in."
    3. If they want, get someone higher up to handle the situation.
      • Rovers head
      • Programming head (maybe - find out if Robert wants to be called to handle this)
      • Llama
      • Nyandrew
      • Sammich
      • Robert
      • Beta
      • Start with your head and work through that list until someone arrives - they will handle it from there, do not keep calling people.
  3. Feel the ID. Does it feel like an ID? After handling a ton of these you do start to tell. Some are flimsier than others (and that's okay), but if they hand you a piece of paper, cardboard, feather, $20, etc., then you know you have a fake.
  4. Check the Expiration date. Is it expired? (If so, start calling the list of people at the bottom of this document to handle it. We MIGHT still allow it but that isn't your call.)
  5. Check the picture. Is that them?
  6. Flash your black light over the top.
    • For Nevada IDs this tends to help the hologram stand out a little easier. THERE IS NO BLACK LIGHT REACTIVE INK ON NV LICENSES.
    • All Other States: Look for the black light something. Most states have some sort of image that only shows under black light.
    • Military ID: No data at this time
    • Passport: No data at this time
  7. For State IDs and Driver's licenses: Flash your light UNDER the license. ALL state IDs have holes in them usually in the shape of the state.
  8. Look at the birth date. You want someone who is 18, so "today's date" minus 18 years, or older.
    • 2016 = today in 1998
    • 2017 = today in 1999
    • 2018 = today in 2000
  9. Give them back their ID (We do not like collecting IDs)
  10. As long as they are 18+ and the ID isn't fake, let them in.

If You Think You Have a Fake or Invalid ID (Or No ID, or Weird ID)

  1. Apologize first and get a head over to handle it. It is not your responsibility to do anything other than get a head over. "I am sorry but I need to get one of my superiors to look at your ID." The attendee may decide to take their ID and go away or they may decide to wait.
  2. Call people in this order (Notice as opposed to the earlier list, Llama is first, programming/rovers heads are not on the list at all, and the chairs are still last.):
    • Llama (as head of legal he should be the one handling this first)
    • Nyandrew
    • Sammich
    • Beta.
  3. Things you can tell them
    • Expired ID: You can tell them their ID is expired and you need someone higher up to look at and authorize it.
    • If they have something weird: Tell them that you're not authorized to check that type of ID and you need someone higher up to approve it.
    • If they have no ID but are insistent anyway: Tell them you can't let them in and you need someone higher up to authorize it.
    • If you reasonably think it's fake: tell them that you weren't trained to handle their type of ID and you need someone higher up to look at it.
  4. Ask them to wait off to the side and keep processing people through.


  • Do not accuse them of using a fake ID or indicate in any way you think their ID is fake.
  • Do not hold their ID hostage. If they want to take it and go away, let them.
  • BE FRIENDLY no matter what attitude they might take with you.
  • So I was joking about the $20 as ID earlier, but seriously if someone tries to hand you cash to get in, that's not acceptable. Don't take it and don't let them in.
  • This is serious and if you let someone past who is not 18, we will probably pull their badge and yours.


What About a Birth Certificate?

What? WHY?! Why are you carrying around your birth certificate but no other ID!?

Call Llama. We have allowed it once for a special situation. This has to be a call made by llama, or another high-level decision maker such as Nyandrew, Sammich, or Beta.

No Seriously, This Guy is like 50, Can I Let Him In?

No, but if he's making an issue of it, call the people on your list. Only once have we let someone in without an ID and they were vendors, definitely over 18, and escorted in by Beta.

In the past, we've turned away friends that forgot their IDs that we knew personally, and knew for a fact were old enough. We take this pretty seriously.

Resources This is geared towards bars and takes it much farther than we do. But it's a good read.