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The volunteer department handles volunteers. Volunteers are the lowest [[Ranks rank]] of convention staff and are not considered to be “staff” for consideration of staff perks or recognition.  (See [[Volunteers vs. Staff]]) However, volunteers are still extremely important to the convention. Volunteering is a great way for people to prove themselves and rise through ranks.

Volunteers are required to pay to attend the convention as general attendees. Some departments will have volunteers which are dedicated to that department, although most volunteers will be assigned all around the convention as needed.
<blockquote>Volunteers are everywhere running everything behind the scenes! In the hallways, in tabletop, chilling by the gaming room, at reg, on the stage, running behind random other volunteers and staff... etc.... SNAFU Con volunteers are the best!</blockquote>

Volunteers can be refunded based on the hours that they log for the convention. Volunteers will only be refunded up to the amount that they paid for their registration. As of 2014, any hours logged over the minimum 12 will count towards the following year.

*Volunteers must be a minimum of 14 years of age.  
=== Director (Department Head) (18+) ===
*All volunteers under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign a permission form
Responsibilities include: Establishing routines and procedures for volunteers,
recruitment of coheads and JR. Director, responding to volunteer inquiries and
applications before and during con, attending meetings, any jobs listed under
JR. director or co-heads as needed, overseeing conflict resolution between
volunteer staff and volunteers or con attendees, and duties as discussed
between director and conheads. This is a Staff position therefore requiring a 3
meeting attendance minimum and pre con approval. 
=== JR. Director (High Staff)/Co-heads (General Staff) (18+) ===
The JR. director and Coheads act as volunteer management in the Director's
absence.  Other responsibilities include scheduling volunteer shifts,
maintaining knowledge of volunteer areas and needs as they fluctuate throughout
con, conflict resolution and reporting for events as they occur between
attendees and volunteers or among volunteers, assisting with lost and found,
and any other duties listed under general staff duties. These are Staff
positions therefore requiring a 3 meeting attendance minimum and pre-con
=== General Volunteers (14+) ===
Volunteers are core to keeping SNAFU Con running. Volunteers perform a
variety of duties and are able to receive a refund on their badge price
according to the type of badge and number of hours volunteered. Weekend passes
may receive a full refund for a minimum of 12 volunteer hours over the course
of the weekend. Day badges may be fully refunded for a minimum of 4 volunteer
hours. Partial refunds are available according to the time completed (Ex: 2
hours on a day pass = 50% refund). Group badges cannot be refunded but hours
can be applied towards a free or discounted badge for next year. Volunteers may
be assigned to the following areas/duties:
''Registration:'' Helping with tasks, such as but not limited to, registering new
badges, making badges, line management, and general clerical duties.
''Volunteer desk:'' Informing con attendees about volunteering, giving general
information, helping volunteers fill out their forms, lost and found, checking
in with volunteers in need of breaks and reassignments, sending volunteers to
needed places, and general record keeping.
''Badge check:'' Sitting/standing/light-moderate dancing by major entryways to
make sure that people who come in are in possession of the right badge/ID.
Events with minimum ages must be guarded by a volunteer or staff of that
minimum age. (Ex: an 18+ panel must be guarded by an 18+ volunteer or staff).
''Rover:'' Provides directions for lost attendees, peace bonding, rave
monitoring (16+), general information giving, badge check duties, line
management, monitoring con areas.
''Runner/Lackey:'' SNAFU Con has a lot of different events going on throughout
the weekend and a lot of space to cover. Lackeys and runners essentially fill
in for all the weird menial tasks that pop up as con goes on, such as temporary
reliefs for other volunteers, paper organizing, drink/food delivery, and
anything to help fellow volunteers and staff stay sane. Any con related duties
not mentioned above as assigned by a high staff fall under this category. 
''Set Up/Tear down:'' Assist with Day 0 set up and Sunday Tear down.
Any department may recruit its own team of volunteers to assist with their own
functions not to be used as general volunteers. Specialized volunteers MUST
fill out a volunteer contract, minor consent form (as applies), and pick up a
time sheet from volunteer desk '''before any duties are commenced.''' Hours
must be signed out by high staff in that department. Volunteers will not sign
off any hours done outside of the general volunteer area under any
circumstances. It is the sole responsibility of the department head and
specialized volunteers to make sure that time sheets are kept accurate and all
forms are filled out in a timely manner.  Hours done under specialization and
in generalized volunteering may be combined for the purposes of reimbursement.
'''Any dedicated volunteers must be declared in writing by department heads to
the volunteer desk no later than 8pm on opening day.'''
=== Volunteer contracts ===
All volunteers must pay for admission and fill out a volunteer contract before
any duties are assigned. If the volunteer is between the ages of 14 & 17
a parent/guardian permission form must also be completed at that time.
=== Time sheets ===
Each volunteer will be given a time sheet to track their volunteer hours
throughout con. At the beginning of each shift, volunteers must sign in on the
clipboard located at the volunteer desk and mark the start and end time on
their time sheet. Once the shift is completed or if they are moved, they must
be signed off by a high staff. 
=== Refunds ===
Refunds are issued in cash by Sunday at the Registration desk. Volunteers must
bring their time sheet as proof for hours completed. All hours must have been
previously signed out by a high staff to count towards refund. Partial refunds
are calculated and paid out in accordance to time volunteered. No more than a
100% refund will be issued under any circumstance. 
=== Leaving post ===
When assigned to an area, the volunteer is responsible to remain in that area
until released by a replacement or staff member. Abandoning an assignment
prematurely forfeits time done during that assignment. Severe repeated offenses
may result in removal from volunteers and forfeit time accumulated. 
=== Volunteer breaks ===
Volunteering staff try to regularly check in with all volunteers throughout
con. If a volunteer needs a break to get water, stretch, or use the restroom,
the volunteer is encouraged to speak to any nearby staff or fellow volunteer
for temporary relief. It is that volunteer's responsibility to make sure that
their area is covered before leaving. If the volunteer plans on being absent
for more than 8-10 minutes, the volunteer must be signed out
=== Sleeping ===
There is NO sleeping on shift. Volunteers caught sleeping during shift
forfeited time done under that shift. Volunteers are required to get adequate
sleep to be properly alert.
=== Touching ===
Safety is a primary concern. Under NO circumstances are volunteers to
uninvitingly touch or physically stand in the way of any other person at SNAFU
=== Illness or intoxication ===
Volunteers deemed by the staff members to be too sick or intoxicated to
continue will be signed out and relieved of duty until they have recovered.
Drinking alcohol during or right before shift is strictly prohibited.
All volunteers must pay for admission, sign a volunteer contract, and turn in a
completed parent/guardian consent form (if under 18) before any duties are
Under '''NO''' circumstances are any volunteers to physically push, touch, or block
the way of another attendee. If a situation arises that may be dangerous,
immediately inform Nugget security followed by reporting to SNAFU Con High
Staff. For cases of general unruliness from a con goer or if a con attendee is
breaking a rule of some sort, please inform Volunteer staff or a nearby staff
Apparition and teleportation is banned while volunteering. Please, please,
please do not leave an area unattended without letting us know. If you need to
be relieved for an emergency we will do our best to get you replaced as soon as
possible or rearrange to cover the area. Repeated incidents of leaving post
without signing out are grounds from dismissal from volunteers and forfeit any
A parent that is worried about their child may react out of fright and not
every person attending Snafu con is always considerate. However, as a volunteer
please do your best to treat others with respect and common courtesy. Violent,
aggressive, or purposely offensive comments/behavior towards a fellow staff,
volunteer, or attendee are grounds for immediate removal of volunteers with no
We. Will. Not. Remember. Every. Single. One. Of. Your. Shifts. There are too
many volunteers each year at con and it is the volunteer's sole responsibility
to make sure that the time sheet is not lost. We do our best to try and keep
accurate times in a sign out at the desk but if we are not able to verify your
hours in writing you will not receive a refund for them. Treat your time sheet
like you would money and guard it closely!   
== FAQ ==
'''So if I do 24 hours that means I get a 200% refund right!?'''
Not quite; Hours earned over a full refund will not be paid but may count
towards your badge for next year. 
'''What is the maximum amount of hours I can volunteer?'''
72. Although we highly suggest that you make time for sleeping and eating. If
you are too sleepy to function you will not be allowed to volunteer!
'''Can I get any hours before con starts?'''
Yes! Day 0 we are always in need of extra hands to help set up. It does involve
some lifting so let us know if you need any accommodations. To schedule pre-con
hours please email us at volunteers{{@}}snafucon.com . 
'''Can I pick where I go?'''
The earlier you sign up the more likely you will be able to choose your
placement. Most scheduling does not occur until 1 month before con. If you have
a particular place you would really like to be at let us know via email pre-con
or at the con and we will do our best to place you there!
'''Can I volunteer with my friends/siblings/partner?'''
Volunteering with fellow friends can be awesome but so can meeting all the
other fabulous people that help out each year! If you would like to be placed
close to someone please let us know when you sign up and we will do our best to
give you the same hours and try to place you close together. Just like
volunteering placements, this is not a guarantee but is more likely with
earlier sign ups and during busy times of day. 
'''I want to be a staff member!!!! How do I sign up?'''
YAY!!! We are always looking for more victi...AWESOME PEOPLE to join our team!
To staff you must be a minimum of 18 years old by the 1st day of con and attend
a minimum of 3 meetings before con. Please email volunteers{{@}}snafucon.com for
more information on staffing volunteers or hr{{@}}snafucon.com to get information
on staffing other departments.
'''What if I can't finish all of my hours?'''
Fear not! We DO issue partial refunds proportional to how much your badge cost
and how many hours you put in. For example if you paid $120 for your badge and
were only able to do 10 hours, you would get $100 back. If you only did 4, then
you would get $40 back.

Latest revision as of 14:50, 29 August 2017

Volunteers are everywhere running everything behind the scenes! In the hallways, in tabletop, chilling by the gaming room, at reg, on the stage, running behind random other volunteers and staff... etc.... SNAFU Con volunteers are the best!


Director (Department Head) (18+)

Responsibilities include: Establishing routines and procedures for volunteers, recruitment of coheads and JR. Director, responding to volunteer inquiries and applications before and during con, attending meetings, any jobs listed under JR. director or co-heads as needed, overseeing conflict resolution between volunteer staff and volunteers or con attendees, and duties as discussed between director and conheads. This is a Staff position therefore requiring a 3 meeting attendance minimum and pre con approval.

JR. Director (High Staff)/Co-heads (General Staff) (18+)

The JR. director and Coheads act as volunteer management in the Director's absence. Other responsibilities include scheduling volunteer shifts, maintaining knowledge of volunteer areas and needs as they fluctuate throughout con, conflict resolution and reporting for events as they occur between attendees and volunteers or among volunteers, assisting with lost and found, and any other duties listed under general staff duties. These are Staff positions therefore requiring a 3 meeting attendance minimum and pre-con approval.

General Volunteers (14+)

Volunteers are core to keeping SNAFU Con running. Volunteers perform a variety of duties and are able to receive a refund on their badge price according to the type of badge and number of hours volunteered. Weekend passes may receive a full refund for a minimum of 12 volunteer hours over the course of the weekend. Day badges may be fully refunded for a minimum of 4 volunteer hours. Partial refunds are available according to the time completed (Ex: 2 hours on a day pass = 50% refund). Group badges cannot be refunded but hours can be applied towards a free or discounted badge for next year. Volunteers may be assigned to the following areas/duties:

Registration: Helping with tasks, such as but not limited to, registering new badges, making badges, line management, and general clerical duties.

Volunteer desk: Informing con attendees about volunteering, giving general information, helping volunteers fill out their forms, lost and found, checking in with volunteers in need of breaks and reassignments, sending volunteers to needed places, and general record keeping.

Badge check: Sitting/standing/light-moderate dancing by major entryways to make sure that people who come in are in possession of the right badge/ID. Events with minimum ages must be guarded by a volunteer or staff of that minimum age. (Ex: an 18+ panel must be guarded by an 18+ volunteer or staff).

Rover: Provides directions for lost attendees, peace bonding, rave monitoring (16+), general information giving, badge check duties, line management, monitoring con areas.

Runner/Lackey: SNAFU Con has a lot of different events going on throughout the weekend and a lot of space to cover. Lackeys and runners essentially fill in for all the weird menial tasks that pop up as con goes on, such as temporary reliefs for other volunteers, paper organizing, drink/food delivery, and anything to help fellow volunteers and staff stay sane. Any con related duties not mentioned above as assigned by a high staff fall under this category.

Set Up/Tear down: Assist with Day 0 set up and Sunday Tear down.


Any department may recruit its own team of volunteers to assist with their own functions not to be used as general volunteers. Specialized volunteers MUST fill out a volunteer contract, minor consent form (as applies), and pick up a time sheet from volunteer desk before any duties are commenced. Hours must be signed out by high staff in that department. Volunteers will not sign off any hours done outside of the general volunteer area under any circumstances. It is the sole responsibility of the department head and specialized volunteers to make sure that time sheets are kept accurate and all forms are filled out in a timely manner. Hours done under specialization and in generalized volunteering may be combined for the purposes of reimbursement. Any dedicated volunteers must be declared in writing by department heads to the volunteer desk no later than 8pm on opening day.


Volunteer contracts

All volunteers must pay for admission and fill out a volunteer contract before any duties are assigned. If the volunteer is between the ages of 14 & 17 a parent/guardian permission form must also be completed at that time.

Time sheets

Each volunteer will be given a time sheet to track their volunteer hours throughout con. At the beginning of each shift, volunteers must sign in on the clipboard located at the volunteer desk and mark the start and end time on their time sheet. Once the shift is completed or if they are moved, they must be signed off by a high staff. 


Refunds are issued in cash by Sunday at the Registration desk. Volunteers must bring their time sheet as proof for hours completed. All hours must have been previously signed out by a high staff to count towards refund. Partial refunds are calculated and paid out in accordance to time volunteered. No more than a 100% refund will be issued under any circumstance. 

Leaving post

When assigned to an area, the volunteer is responsible to remain in that area until released by a replacement or staff member. Abandoning an assignment prematurely forfeits time done during that assignment. Severe repeated offenses may result in removal from volunteers and forfeit time accumulated. 

Volunteer breaks

Volunteering staff try to regularly check in with all volunteers throughout con. If a volunteer needs a break to get water, stretch, or use the restroom, the volunteer is encouraged to speak to any nearby staff or fellow volunteer for temporary relief. It is that volunteer's responsibility to make sure that their area is covered before leaving. If the volunteer plans on being absent for more than 8-10 minutes, the volunteer must be signed out


There is NO sleeping on shift. Volunteers caught sleeping during shift forfeited time done under that shift. Volunteers are required to get adequate sleep to be properly alert.


Safety is a primary concern. Under NO circumstances are volunteers to uninvitingly touch or physically stand in the way of any other person at SNAFU Con.

Illness or intoxication

Volunteers deemed by the staff members to be too sick or intoxicated to continue will be signed out and relieved of duty until they have recovered. Drinking alcohol during or right before shift is strictly prohibited.



All volunteers must pay for admission, sign a volunteer contract, and turn in a completed parent/guardian consent form (if under 18) before any duties are assigned. 


Under NO circumstances are any volunteers to physically push, touch, or block the way of another attendee. If a situation arises that may be dangerous, immediately inform Nugget security followed by reporting to SNAFU Con High Staff. For cases of general unruliness from a con goer or if a con attendee is breaking a rule of some sort, please inform Volunteer staff or a nearby staff member. 


Apparition and teleportation is banned while volunteering. Please, please, please do not leave an area unattended without letting us know. If you need to be relieved for an emergency we will do our best to get you replaced as soon as possible or rearrange to cover the area. Repeated incidents of leaving post without signing out are grounds from dismissal from volunteers and forfeit any refund.


A parent that is worried about their child may react out of fright and not every person attending Snafu con is always considerate. However, as a volunteer please do your best to treat others with respect and common courtesy. Violent, aggressive, or purposely offensive comments/behavior towards a fellow staff, volunteer, or attendee are grounds for immediate removal of volunteers with no refund. 


We. Will. Not. Remember. Every. Single. One. Of. Your. Shifts. There are too many volunteers each year at con and it is the volunteer's sole responsibility to make sure that the time sheet is not lost. We do our best to try and keep accurate times in a sign out at the desk but if we are not able to verify your hours in writing you will not receive a refund for them. Treat your time sheet like you would money and guard it closely!   


So if I do 24 hours that means I get a 200% refund right!?

Not quite; Hours earned over a full refund will not be paid but may count towards your badge for next year. 

What is the maximum amount of hours I can volunteer?

72. Although we highly suggest that you make time for sleeping and eating. If you are too sleepy to function you will not be allowed to volunteer!

Can I get any hours before con starts?

Yes! Day 0 we are always in need of extra hands to help set up. It does involve some lifting so let us know if you need any accommodations. To schedule pre-con hours please email us at volunteers@snafucon.com . 

Can I pick where I go?

The earlier you sign up the more likely you will be able to choose your placement. Most scheduling does not occur until 1 month before con. If you have a particular place you would really like to be at let us know via email pre-con or at the con and we will do our best to place you there!

Can I volunteer with my friends/siblings/partner?

Volunteering with fellow friends can be awesome but so can meeting all the other fabulous people that help out each year! If you would like to be placed close to someone please let us know when you sign up and we will do our best to give you the same hours and try to place you close together. Just like volunteering placements, this is not a guarantee but is more likely with earlier sign ups and during busy times of day. 

I want to be a staff member!!!! How do I sign up?

YAY!!! We are always looking for more victi...AWESOME PEOPLE to join our team! To staff you must be a minimum of 18 years old by the 1st day of con and attend a minimum of 3 meetings before con. Please email volunteers@snafucon.com for more information on staffing volunteers or hr@snafucon.com to get information on staffing other departments.

What if I can't finish all of my hours?

Fear not! We DO issue partial refunds proportional to how much your badge cost and how many hours you put in. For example if you paid $120 for your badge and were only able to do 10 hours, you would get $100 back. If you only did 4, then you would get $40 back.