2023 Meeting Notes

From SNAFU Con Wiki
Revision as of 08:28, 13 November 2023 by Beta (talk | contribs) (Add 2023-11-11 meeting)
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During 2023 we switched from people actively taking notes during the meeting to using transcription bots to do (honestly kind of terrible) transcriptions of the meetings and then feeding that into AI to come up with detailed notes for minimal effort. While ChatGPT was relied on heavily at first, due to the ability to understand huge text files and its more conversational tone, Claude.ai became the go-to note-taker as the year went on.



  • Introductions
  • Next SNAFU Con: Nov 16-19, 2023
  • Theme: Folklore
  • Going to continue the “Beach Episodes”
    • Community Outreach is the lifeblood of getting people invested in the con
    • Any event we are interest in, please reach out the them to see if we can get our name out there more
    • Trying for at least 1 a month
  • Opportunity
    • We have TIME!
  • Any dedicated staffer who has the time, please consider working a 4 hours shift at reg
  • Loadout needs more volunteers.  
    • Organization plan for loadout so people know what to do and don’t have to sit around.
    • Sunday night AND Monday morning
    • Jared will give you a task during loadout.  He has a BIG logistics badge
    • Dept heads need to know what they need to do for load out
    • More coordination between eGaming and the rest of SNAFU Con for loadout
  • Goals
    • Dragon wants to grow the con
      • 5k attendance
      • People act like we are a big con, even though we aren’t
    • Beta is taking a step back this year
    • Get more staff
      • “It’s time for new blood”
  • Con Outreach
    • Do we have anyone who wants to be part of con outreach?
    • Do we have a way to reach out to non-geek spaces?
      • Reaching out to anime clubs at high schools
        • If you have any contacts for this, please put it in #staff
      • Call schools and see if we can speak to the Anime club advisors
      • Talk to school district activities people they have a phone number
      • North Valleys high school has an anime club
      • Raley’s has a board to advertise on; coffee shops may have some, too. Other boards around town?
    • There are parades we can try and get banners into to advertise with, Sparks hometown parade
      • Get cosplayers into a parade Ethans and Tobi’s job
  • Music events for the end of the year?  
    • We need to pay for their license if we use it this year.
    • Soft no
    • Try and keep music events held off till January.
  • Next meeting
    • Dept. heads updates
    • Put topic items in #meeting-agenda
      • Accessible to Dept. Heads
  • Safety for next con
    • Get the general feeling of the staff about vaccination requirements and mask requirements
    • Do an opinion survey about requirements to make our best informed decision
    • Non-binding poll up to the owners
    • Make our decision and stick with it early on.
    • Announce soft guidelines and have a date where we publicly lock in the mask and vaccination guidelines
      • Early July?
  • Survey for Staff
    • We are doing a survey about what departments need how many staff
    • Please fill out the survey if you are a Dept. Head or high staff
    • Survey is posed in #castle
    • Open up Chair Support positions
  • Questions
    • Prize room?  Need staff to help with giving away prizes and running games.
    • Iron out the value of tickets and ensure everyone involved knows the values, put up poster boards or flyers with the value of tickets
      • Advertisement boards with rules
    • Theme needs its own dedicated staff instead of the art department.
    • Double check before con that we still have our events covered.
    • Thoughts on ARG and what to implement this year.
      • Cryptid hunting  “YES!” -Dragon




  • Tabletop will be moving toward less structured campaigns. Also moving away from WotC due to recent issues.
  • Registration needs to work out its to do list.*
    • The automation for registration code deployment probably still needs work.
    • There are a few big features we are hoping to get out this year.
    • Angie and Cassy are going to work on procedures. Vill and Dragon are interested in looking over them.
  • Main stage brainstorming is needed.
  • Merchants
    • We need contracts
    • Floor plan
    • Registration’s work is blocking this.
  • Locke is planning chair support.
  • We have the same convention space.
  • Charity: Tasha seems to be interested.
  • Jared from Logistics needs to work with the Sams to figure out inventory
  • Gaming doesn’t need more consoles.
  • Arcade has a new truck. New scheduling with the truck will need consideration in the logistics schedule.

Itasha car exhibition

  • Working with the itasha anime car people
  • Dragon established contact.
  • They were okay with doing it outside.
  • We probably need to work with the venue on this.
  • Maybe using the Silver State loading dock area?
  • Maybe at the Adventure Center
  • Probably the best spot would be in the parking lot closest
  • Beta will be reaching out to former Kraken Con con runner for tips with these people


  • The cups weren’t great before, but they were rushed.
  • Dragon is interested in upgrading cups. Apparently he has a contact.
  • The owners are interested in looking.
  • We have a lot of old cup inventory.
  • We sold about 120 cups in 2021 and have roughly 451 per QuickBooks.
    • The cups were $1.48598 /ea.
    • There’s a discrepancy between reg inventory and QuickBooks of exactly 200 cups. It is suspected that reg inventory has not counted closed boxes
  • Stickering cups takes a while.
    • There is room for process improvement.
    • The holo stickers are difficult.
    • We should probably start with and maintain a buffer of cups.
    • But we can’t keep too many, for security and keeping cups between years inventory reasons.
  • We give away stickers and buttons a lot. We could use those as merch.
  • We could probably sell 2.25” buttons.
  • The cups are Thermos-style cups with vinyl wraps. Prices: $5. Maybe sell for $15 with soda.


  • Roadblocks on high school clubs
  • Investigating having a manga club at a library
    • Dragon talked with libraries
    • Like book club
    • Manga Library has a low bus factor.
    • Dragon is interested in buying more manga for the con.
    • The Wandering Library is interested in buying all the manga the con owns.
    • But reverting to pre Manga Library is not a disaster.
    • Compare with arcade, which we don’t have a fallback for
  • Beach episodes
    • Dragon is planning a beach episode for board games near end of Feb
    • We’re looking for more opportunities.
    • Art episodes had good times previously. Art department is a little tired.
    • Art has issues with venues. But the new Sparks location of Coffee ‘n’ Comics seems like it would be good.
    • School spring breaks are coming up in March
  • Battletech?
    • Jared will talk with Dragon and other people he knows.
    • Dragon thinks Coffee ‘n’ Comics will be a good venue
    • Jared and Dragon will talk on Feb 2.
  • Board game day: Feb 25, 5 PM at Kobold’s Keep
  • We should try to get more people for meetings earlier.
    • This could help with getting departments up and running sooner.
    • However, Discord has limits on voice rooms after ending pandemic protocols.
    • Idea: have a survey to collect ideas for agendas.
  • Fighting game tournament
    • Gaming department is interested. Timing needs working out.
    • DJ will be looking into their schedule. Maybe in March?
  • Omega is talking with a North Valleys high school club and has some contact info.


  • Task management to keep people on task
    • Ami likes Asana, but it’s expensive.
    • Bitrix, which we already have, does most of these things, but doesn’t have a great UX.
    • Beta is looking to replace Bitrix, but doesn’t have a great timeline.
    • Ami likes the timeline view of Asana
    • Pinging people, keeping people on task
    • Ami will get screenshots to Beta for UI ideas/what to look for in a task manager
  • Work out COVID restrictions for floor plan
    • Distancing limited artist alley
    • Artist alley thinks that the spacing could be closer
    • We should look at other cons.
    • SacAnime provides 8x10 space with 6’ tables, but they have a really big space.
    • We want to balance various concerns: safety, artist happiness, community friendliness
    • Artists Alley is cool with removing spacing with mask + vax
  • Please reach out to Beta if there’s a procedure that needs writing up.
  • BLFC restructured people to coordinate communications with three superdepartments.
  • Maybe facilitate communications by making it clear who does what?
    • Org charts?
    • "My emergency is" and who to talk to or how to handle it in a badge sized/punched card



Masks and Vaccines requirements need to be set in stone before Con registration details go out.  Con heads and chairs need to have a meeting about this and take staff input.

Logistics need to catalog everything in storage and need to Poll for Saturday or Sunday to see who is available and when.

Con folk tale book.  Either a QR code game for the spirit of competition or to take photos to make the story of the con.

  • Check with Ethans Photography about Reno city and Nevada State business license.
  • Local Cosplay facebook group "Reno Cosplay"  might be available for con folk tale book.
  • Folk tale Trading cards or QR codes as a possible idea for a con game.
  • The cost of trading cards may be very cost prohibitive.  We may be able to do photo gloss sheets and paper guillotine them.

Post the 2021 cosplay images to facebook in groups to help generate hype for the con.

  • 2021 cosplay photo's.  Some may need to be edited.
  • Dragon wants to know if we use amature photographers.  They are free and have their own equipment.  If anybody wants to volunteer who knows how to shoot in .RAW and can follow a schedule.  Need to be able to give .RAW a copy of EVERY photo to the con for records.  Double check photographers know what .RAW is; do not take their word for it at face value.

Department heads need to give dragon an outline for what they need for con by next monthly meeting.

  • What steps they need to do for their department to be ready at con by November 16th.
  • Heads have a departmental meeting with your people.  Brainstorm, Find more things to do, Get more people to help at con.  Get your department on the same page going forward into the con.

Street fighter 6 release launch party event for SNAFU.  Ran by Biggest little fight club

Make more of an effort to talk in the Public parts of the discord so attendee's fee more welcomed and they know the staff better.

Make people aware that SNAFU con is happening

  • Flyers need editing we need an editor
  • Flyers need the date, Logo, and the various events, Front should be pretty with dates and basic con info back needs more detailed information
  • Give Ethanice the materials to make the flyers



  • We forgot to remind everyone about the meeting.
  • Dragon’s doing 1:1s for per department goals with heads later.
  • Vaccines up to date for all attendees and staff.
  • N95/KN95s needed for customer-facing staff and merchants while they’re selling.
  • Cloth masks required for performers.
  • Medical exemptions for vaccines will require N95/KN95s masks at con.
  • We will have a good number of KN95s for staff.
  • Performers can use cloth masks and face shields.
  • Getting theme ideas is cool.
  • Working documentation
  • Masks will be strongly encouraged for most attendees.
  • Beach episode ideas
  • Truck-kun April Fools’ Day joke
  • Incorporate masks into the theme?
    • Like having color masks for factions
    • That seems tricky to make it good
  • Con merch
    • Fabric masks
    • Cups
    • Wearing cloth masks over N95s as a sign
  • We’re not going to guarantee that the masks we’re getting for staff are comfy.
  • The faction fight game is cool.
    • The QR code game is cool.
    • Wearing buttons is cool
  • Folklore blurbs + art for social media
    • Beta made some arts for social media.
      • Maybe could use bigger font
    • Are using screenshots from Jim Henson sufficiently transformative?
      • Probably not
  • Post theme ideas in #theme on Discord.

Meeting proper ended here

  • Folklore
    • Jersey devil
    • Beast of Gevaudan
    • Legend where village where goat prints were on villagers roofs
  • Folklore trading cards
  • What if we had staff members work as storytellers?
    • Requires someone to own it at con
  • Use public domain art for social media memes?
    • A lot of classic art
    • Might requiring additional
  • Japanese folklore
  • Closing up meeting with folklore brainstorming
  • Put folkloric costumes on old mascots
  • Get a folklore book and do live readings on main stage. Thomas could do it.
  • Bring in expert speakers would be cool
  • Should look into local folklore
  • Posters posted around con with folklore stories on them



  • Video
    • Make sure video emails go to video
    • If we want to show video, we absolutely need to get permission to show it
  • Tabletop
    • Jason is going to be Head, RPGs/Paint
    • Martin is 2nd head, card/tournaments
    • Writing a sequel to the covid module
  • eGame
    • Upcoming beach episode on June 4th
      • Street Fighter 6
  • Rave
    • As per usual
    • 3rd DJ has agreed to come
  • Swap Meet
    • Artist staff is not able to run it anymore
    • Jared might have a guy
    • Tabletop might be able to help
  • Guests
    • Dragon knows a guy that might be interested in heading
      • Gamestop person who got people for game releases
  • Theme
    • Prize shop will be scheduled open/closed
  • Beach Episodes
    • Dragon wants to do a board game night on the 20th, but needs someone to run it
    • PokemonGo community day is 21st
    • Online Rave Night?
    • Mini painting day? June 10th 1pm
    • Street Fighter 6- June 4 @ Round1
    • BBQ kick off party - Early June?

SNAFU Con Staff Meeting 2023-06-03


Paint & Take

  • Dragon Paragon announced a Paint Day event happening on the 10th at 1pm.
  • The tradition of painting at SNAFU Con was highlighted, with a hope to make this more regular and not just confined to the convention period.
  • The recurring 'Paint and Take' event was confirmed to be returning.
  • Dragon Paragon expressed a desire to build up the painting community, possibly introducing a seasonal painting contest in addition to the ones at the con.

Fighting Game Community (FGC) Tournaments

  • Dragon Paragon initiated a discussion on the popularity of fighting games at SNAFU, with a focus on developing the scene further through more tournaments.
  • DJ Angeal suggested marketing to enhance the FGC experience at the con and locally, viewing it as a potential opportunity to promote SNAFU Con. He agreed to work with the social media team for advertising.
  • The aim is to improve the Fighting Game Community (FGC) experience at the con and locally.
  • TheUltimateDerp noted plans to attend and promote at the CFD in June to enhance the Reno scene.

Inventory Management

  • Dragon Paragon mentions needing to schedule a time with Jared for the inventory.  No date was agreed upon yet.
  • Dragon Paragon planned to contact Jared to expedite inventory because it's going to get hot soon.

Pokemon Community Day:

  • Pokemon Community Day Integration
    • Cupcakedoll and Dragon Paragon proposed ideas to integrate a Pokemon community day with SNAFU convention activities, acknowledging the difficulty of attracting potential or existing attendees.
    • They highlighted the problem of poor cell phone coverage in some convention areas and considered the idea of setting up Pokemon Go check-in stations near outdoor gyms.
    • Ami noMiko informed that there are two gyms outside the convention center, suggesting the possibility of staging outdoor activities there.
    • Dragon Paragon proposed a casual outdoor setup for the check-in station, including some refreshments and seating arrangements. Dragon will speak with the GSR regarding this arrangement.
  • Pokemon Go Talent Show
    • Dragon Paragon suggested a talent show where participants could showcase their Pokemon team in various categories, aiming to offer fun prizes.
    • Dragon Paragon called for volunteers to organize this event. Ami noMiko mentioned the current Artist Alley team being occupied and Dragon proposed seeking help from the Reno Pokemon Go group for this.
    • Dragon will reach out to the Reno Pokemon Go group for assistance with the Pokemon Go event.
  • Live Raid Updates and Community Engagement
    • Ami noMiko suggested using social media (particularly Twitter) for live raid updates. Dragon Paragon disagreed, favoring non-Twitter platforms. DJ Angeal offered a solution: phone screenshots uploaded to a Discord discussion, which could later be displayed on the main stage as a moderated slideshow.
  • Contest Timing and Prizes
    • Ami noMiko and Cupcakedoll discussed the challenges with contests held at the end of community day and suggested initiating contests at the beginning of the event.
    • Ami noMiko and Cupcakedoll both agreed on the popularity of events involving Pokemon eggs and small prizes. Cupcakedoll switched the prizes to snacks considering not everyone needs small items.
    • Beta.mfd offered to create buttons given enough time and art.
    • Ami noMiko suggested buying cheap Pokemon and stickers with the website's details on them, and then placing them inside the eggs as prizes.

Cosplay & Smash

  • Ethanice suggested hosting cosplay and Smash events at Coffee N Comics.
  • Despite past challenges with the venue, Ethanice expressed confidence in renegotiating terms and Dragon Paragon offered assistance in finding a photographer if needed.
  • Ethanice will follow up with Alex from Coffee N Comics for permission to host a video game tournament.

Other Community Events

  • Japhet is interested in doing a Twitch-based rave, with two DJs.
  • Dragon Paragon checked on the previous board game event, highlighting the need for better advertisement for future events.
  • There was a conversation about introducing party activities like Jackbox and Rifftrax, possibly at the main stage.
  • Cosplay events where participants play a game as their character were proposed.
  • Dragon Paragon proposed running tabletop role-playing one-shots, like convention-exclusive D&D modules. He also considered getting ChatGPT to write a D&D campaign.
  • The suggestion of using a campaign written by ChatGPT as a marketing strategy was considered, themed as a journey into the mind of an insane wizard named ChatGPT.
  • Art beach episodes hosted by Artist Alley
    • Nuriko Windchaser and Ami noMiko express issues with overcrowding at Coffee and Comics due to Pokemon and Magic players.
    • Dragon Paragon offers the use of the Keep, avoiding Saturdays due to Pokemon Day.
    • Wishlessworld suggests using the library's meeting rooms.
    • Nuriko agrees to look into it with Katana, but expresses preference for the casual vibe of Coffee and Comics.

Artist Alley

  • Nuriko Windchaser mentioned that there were no immediate tasks for Artist Alley until further decisions about artist numbers and registration.


  • Reg is working on opening. We have a few things to nail down. No ETA yet.

Convention Outreach

  • Nuriko brought up Ohanakan (https://ohanacomiccon.com/reno-toy-anime-comic-con/), a new convention, and Beta.mfd suggested reaching out for ad swaps and table swaps.
  • Ami noMiko mentioned Silverage Comic-con. Dragon Paragon confirmed that SNAFU is already running their tabletop room and will reach out for co-advertising opportunities.
  • We should be advertising at other local events and conventions, including California cons

Advertising and Promotion

  • The team agreed on the need for more effective advertisement for future events, such as beach episodes.
  • Staff members are responsible for providing social media copy for the posts they want going out.

SNAFU Con Staff Meeting 2023-07-07



  • The registration process has soft-opened with minor issues to fix. Some individuals have already registered and paid.
  • Staff and volunteer application is open during registration.
  • Staff contracts aren't online yet but are on the HR to-do list.
  • Beta urged staff to get their badges and apply for positions.

Rave and Event Planning

  • Kmittens confirmed DJ Riff's absence due to financial issues but extended an invite for next year, and confirmed DJ Fi's participation.
  • SNAFU Con Twitch rave is being planned. Logistics of broadcasting it on one channel are being worked out.
  • Kmittens and Phi are licensed DJs, and they've found a way to DJ on Twitch without being taken down.
  • Music Licensing for the actual convention is Kmittens's responsibility.
  • Future actions involve Kmittens confirming DJ WordSound's participation and providing the date for the Twitch rave to the social media team for advertising.

Guest Planning

  • Dragon had previously announced a contact for handling guests and Beta needs to start onboarding.

Contract Review

  • Beta urged all to review the staff contract and suggest changes
  • Merchant heads need to review merchant contracts for possible changes
    • Nuriko proposed adding an AI clause to the merchant contract, which Sammich suggested could be appended to the original work clause.
  • Future action involves beta working on uploading staff contracts and Sammich and Nuriko refining the AI clause in the merchant contract.

Theme Room

  • Unisama has taken on the role of managing the theme room and is working on artwork, scheduling, and prizes.
  • Unisama is seeking affordable printing services for the artwork due to unexpectedly high costs.
    • Beta offered assistance in finding affordable printing services.
  • Future actions involve Unisama continuing to seek affordable printing options and work on scheduling for the theme room, and beta and other owners discussing allocating funds for theme room prizes.

Club/Org tables

  • Beta is open to selling club/org tables at the same price as Artist Alley.
  • Aminomiko suggested advertising these tables when Artist Alley opens up.

Application Security (BACON Achievement)

  • The team discussed finding the 'BACON' achievement in the application codebase
  • Sammich mentioned the older code could still contain potential vulnerabilities despite sanitization.
  • If you want the BACON achievement, you need to join the BACON team and give it to yourself.

Venue Feedback and Concerns

  • The team discussed potential food-related charges if attendees brought in food from outside. However, vendors bringing in food to sell should be approved if declared in advance.
  • Beta explained the necessity of catering expenditure due to venue restrictions, and Dragon secured free water through negotiation.
  • The team had previously considered potential alternatives to the current venue but dismissed them due to cost and other limitations.
  • The team discussed the need for discrete use and disposal of tablecloths.

Staffing and Operating Hours

  • The team acknowledged the need for more staff, particularly for overnight events, and discussed previous decision to stop running the convention 24/7 due to staffing and health concerns.
  • The team highlighted the importance of sleep for staff.

Convention Management System (BACON) Improvements

  • The team discussed improvements made to the vendor section of Bacon last year and future improvements
    • Sammich has to get printing functionalities handled before con.
    • The need for new laptops from Computer Corps to replace the Chromebooks was discussed.

SNAFU Con Staff Meeting Summary - August 5, 2023


I. Opening Remarks

  • The meeting was initiated with a change of focus from casual "beach episode" gatherings to more structured and serious convention preparations. The leadership emphasized the importance of continuing the beach events but shifting primary attention to planning larger convention ideas.
  • Staff members were encouraged to envision and suggest innovative "bucket list" ideas they've always wished to see implemented at the convention. These ideas could stem from experiences at other conventions, past proposals, or fresh concepts. The goal is to bring unique dreams to life and provide a novel experience to the convention-goers.

II. Ribbon Brainstorming

  • Ideas for custom ribbons to be distributed at the convention were discussed. These ribbons are intended to include entertaining phrases or be designed around the convention theme.
  • Numerous ideas were proposed, including puns related to "folklore," nerd-relevant phrases, and jokes revolving around Spirit Halloween. The possibility of using an external vendor to create specialty ribbons was also considered.
  • Key factors influencing ribbon design included size, price per quantity, setup fees, possibility of reusing past designs, preference for images vs. text, and the selection process to decide which ideas were worth pursuing.

III. Event Planning

  • The team announced plans to host monthly public board game nights, aimed at establishing them as a regular event.
  • A discussion was held about the Pokemon Go events, where it was suggested to better support the staff member who attends these events with promotional material such as flyers and giveaways. The strategy is more about engaging with local groups rather than hosting overly organized events.
  • Further, the need for improved marketing outreach to various nerd groups was raised, proposing strategies such as handing out generic business cards and staff participation in existing group events.

IV. Artist Contract Issues

  • The convention is actively developing an agreement to balance the interests of the convention, graphic designers, and artists, focusing on the respectful use and intellectual property rights of donated artwork.

V. Additional Discussion Points

  • The need for recruiting interested newcomers to help with convention operations was discussed.
  • The meeting concluded on a positive note, with members thanked for their constructive input and the session adjourned.

The overarching goal of this meeting was to direct staff attention towards convention preparation and encourage innovation, keeping in mind the challenges and suggestions discussed. Future actions will focus on providing a unique and memorable experience for all attendees, addressing artist concerns, and enhancing event planning and marketing strategies.

SNAFU Con Meeting Notes 2023-09-02


Main Topics Discussed:

  • Preparations for Upcoming Convention
    • dragon_paragon encouraged focusing on projects, said the deadline to submit panel ideas already passed last month but it's not too late to still start if willing to put in effort
    • Tabletop department updates:
      • Jason Lizwood taking over as new head
      • Martin McMahon handling all card game and competitive event planning and execution as assistant to Jason
      • Actively working on filling out event schedule and planning details
      • Will be advertising tournaments more to improve turnout
    • dragon_paragon asked departments to provide progress updates on fine-tuning events for convention
      • Emphasized using remaining time wisely since only a couple months away until convention
    • Still need more volunteers, especially during the convention itself
      • dragon_paragon suggested staff try recruiting local friends or anyone interested in giving back to the community
      • Offering discounts on registration for new staffers
    • amberaudio working on tech training document to help teach new/novice volunteers
  • Programming
    • Thomas Kelly said he believes he can get the programming interface working fully this weekend
      • This will allow people to start signing up for panels
    • Reminder to everyone to get their panel descriptions proofread before submitting
      • Goal is to reduce the editing needed by staff
    • Potential panels discussed:
      • Bondage panels (were popular in prior years) - encouraging programming staff reaching out to local riggers as potential speakers again
      • K-pop dance lesson workshop
    • natasha_roadruck was officially approved as the new programming department head
  • Logistics
    • Overview of the logistics head position and main duties involved:
      • On Wednesday before con, meet at storage unit and load trucks, then park trucks at Thomas's house overnight
      • Thursday morning, drive trucks to venue and unload items/boxes into assigned rooms
      • Some items get fully set up by logistics, some just delivered to the room for other departments to set up
      • Logistics responsible for getting all boxes and items to the correct rooms
      • During teardown on Sunday evening after closing ceremony, repack everything into boxes and onto trucks
      • Monday morning, return to storage unit and unload trucks
    • quazilt volunteered and was approved as logistics head in training
    • Trey Mazelin shared his prior convention logistics experience and said he can help with inventory and organization
    • Main storage organization soon but probably after next meeting so we can request people help
  • Staffing Needs
    • Still need more people for various departments, especially logistics
    • Discussed potentially creating a new but small "gopher" department for flexible staffing that can help wherever needed
    • Emphasized needing to keep Discord server more active to engage community members and recruit new volunteers
    • Beta talked about importance of resurrecting in-person post-COVID staff bonding events and parties
  • Guests
    • dragon_paragon is reaching out to an agent for potential guests
    • amberaudio will assist with contacting potential new guests
  • Past Convention Nostalgia
    • Shared funny and chaotic memories of past conventions:
      • Con Bat!
      • Security issues
      • Transition away from overnight events
  • Miscellaneous
    • Feedback provided on beta's massive org chart covering all convention departments
    • Ensuring specific room amenities like keeping bathrooms unlocked
    • natasha_roadruck expressed interest in the board game area

Overall Summary:

The atmosphere of the meeting seems lively, nostalgic, and focused on reinvigorating the convention after the pandemic gap. There is a strong sense of camaraderie and willingness among the staff to help each other succeed. Though some departments still need more volunteers, the leadership appears supportive and enthusiastic.

The meeting covered both big picture topics like staffing and programming along with detailed nuances of convention operations based on accumulated experiences. There are some logistical challenges but the staff has proven experience putting on events successfully year after year. The combination of seasoned veterans and new blood taking on more responsibility provides a solid foundation for the convention's successful return.

(Aww thanks Claude.AI, that’s such a nice thing to say about us that I’m going to leave it in the summary lol)

Unplanned Work Party 2023-09-09

Staff present Sammich, Thomas, Cassy, Tim, Natasha, and Beta

This is a summary of what we did and discussed (per Claude.ai, with some minor updates from me) Here is a summary of the key points from the conversation:

  • Discussed layout for the convention, including arranging tables, chairs, and pipe and drape in various areas. Finalized most of the layout except for a few details. (Waiting on heads to get back to us on any changes)
  • Talked about scheduling inventory soon, perhaps the day after or the weekend after the next staff meeting.
  • Discussed sending out emails to recruit volunteers and staff, including reaching out to some past volunteers.
  • Worked on getting the hotel room block email campaign set up in Mailchimp. Still needs some finalization.
  • Discussed plans for printing and laminating badges. Decided to start on this soon, maybe within a few weeks. (Process is changing a bit to further reduce at-con flow issues)
  • Made progress on ensuring banned attendees cannot check in, but still needs more work.
  • Discussed plans for installing Linux on a laptop as a backup for convention use.
  • Scheduled and sent initial panelist recruiting email.
  • Discussed scheduling guest panels once guests are finalized.
  • Talked about updating some wiki documentation like medical emergency procedures.
  • Discussed handling of cash payments to the venue during the convention. Need to work out process and documentation for this.
  • Mentioned needing to get swap meet & club/org contracts finalized soon.
  • Talked about planning for convention catering - getting menu options and pricing from the venue.
  • Brought up the need to clean up old wiki pages and documentation.
  • Discussed doing additional pre-convention email blasts for publicity and reminders.
  • Talked about recruiting panel staff and that it may end up being volunteers if no other staff available.
  • Overall, made good progress on pre-convention planning and tasks. Need to continue recruiting staff and volunteers urgently.

SNAFU Con Meeting Notes 2023-09-15


  • N11 and N12 will be used for tabletop gaming campaigns that need a quiet space.
  • Not a lot of changes from 2021 overall. Get your suggested changes in ASAP
  • The second stage room dimensions seem inaccurate based on past problems fitting the stage. Dragon suggested getting measurements when staff does a walkthrough pre-con.


  • Blume discussed having 6-8 hours of dance programming on Friday night in the second stage room, including lessons and open dancing.
  • Blume asked about the dance floor size. Beta noted we don't have details yet but will inquire with the venue.


  • Dragon emphasized the inventory happening on Sunday morning and requested departments attend if they have inventory from past cons.
  • Dragon offered assistance to departments for anything they need help with or want to discuss feasibility on.
  • Amber requested photos of the room layouts after setup is complete.


  • Ami asked about keeping the merchant/guest/VIP reg line open all weekend instead of just Friday and Saturday. The line never actually closed but sometimes can be hard to find if bodies block the entrance. The resolution was to better communicate the special line to merchants/guests/VIPs via a dedicated email.
  • Dragon proposed training up some Reg volunteers on peace-bonding so they can run a cosplay-only peace-bonding line in the cosplay room. But Registration felt it wasn't feasible this year based on Reg procedures and staffing.
  • New users are unable to log into the wiki. Sammich will need to update the integration. For now they will try adding Natasha manually so she can contribute content updates.


  • Beta mentioned working on a /report command for Rovers.
  • Omega suggested the Special Needs Community as a potential philanthropy partner if Nova's plans with Big Brothers Big Sisters fall through.
  • Nuriko confirmed artist alley acceptances will go out Saturday.
  • Beta is aiming to get guest contracts updated ASAP. Amber and Cassie can assist with editing them.
  • Amber posted a tech guide for review to make tech less intimidating for new volunteers. Serra and Natasha volunteered to provide feedback.

SNAFU Con Meeting Notes 2023-10-06

Overall Agenda:

Introduction and welcome

  • Dragon thanked everyone for attending the virtual meeting
  • Mentioned they have only 6 weekends left until the convention to finalize preparations
  • Thanked everyone for their time and effort

Budget requests

  • Beta noted the budget request form is located in the staff section of the registration system
  • Heads should submit requests, regular staffers should go through their head
  • Beta has purchased most prior requests except some recent ones from Amber in Tech

Department updates

Tabletop Games

  • Will host their regular Thursday Commander tournaments at the con instead of their normal game store venue
  • Planning a more elaborate Commander league with achievements and prizes
  • Players can cash in achievement points to pick prizes like boosters
  • Hopes it will attract Commander players and give them a reason to play at the con
  • Have contacted local gaming groups Pathfinder Society and Adventurer's League about running events


  • Amber said tech is in decent shape but could use a few more staffers for setup on Day 0  
  • She can train any new tech volunteers


  • Natasha noted panel submissions are due by Sunday
  • Currently have a good variety but not a large number of panels
  • Could use a few more panels added to fill out the schedule
  • Let her know if any issues submitting through the online form
  • She can manually input panels if needed


  • Omega said 15 vendors approved and ready to go including Kobold's Keep game store
  • Got a good variety of vendors this year including handmade crafts
  • A couple minor hiccups with paperwork but everything settled easily

Artists Alley

  • Ami said they had some artist cancellations but also new additions
  • Currently in good shape for artists


  • Supporting the Special Needs Community (SNCNN) this year
  • Omega made flyers and advertising for the charity auction
  • Considering having a table at SNCNN's Trunk or Treat event on Oct 26th  
  • Dragon said he can likely attend and will confirm his schedule

Day 0 Preparations

  • Goal is to open registration by 5pm to start giving out staff badges
  • Asked for any tasks that need help to be put in the Day 0 tasks channel
  • Dragon offered to help with general tasks besides Tabletop
  • Discussed allowing day zero be badgeless but only if wearing an N95 mask (must wear badge or mask)

Con book planning

  • Asked for any graphics, ads, content to be submitted ASAP
  • Need high resolution versions of logos, at least 300 DPI
  • Any events wanting promotion should provide details to be included
  • Discussed how schedules will be printed separately from main con book

Misc discussions

  • Discussed ideas for etched glasses with Darkfire Treasures using existing artwork
  • Dragon will run some D&D panels
  • Requested new blood for the Hentai department and redubs
  • Talked through Day 0 band performance logistics; may be difficult
  • Had a lighthearted brainstorming session for bad puns and jokes to include in the con book

SNAFU Con Meeting Notes 2023-10-20

Registration & Badges

  • Uploading vaccine info to system ahead of time is going well so far (80+ approved)
  • Still need more people to upload info to avoid delays at con
  • Will be printing badges beforehand and putting sticker labels on them
  • Changing process from laminating badges at con to eliminate issues
  • Cashiers should be able to handle new registration system without too much explanation
  • Will have printers up front this year to speed up process
  • Hoping stepper interface for registration will work well


  • New volunteer joined meeting- Will be first con volunteering. Unsure of assignment yet but will likely help with Registration and Rovers
  • Reminder for volunteers to check in with Blanca when arriving
  • Set up and tear down days could use volunteers too


  • Main stage schedule is coming together well
  • Several improv sessions planned
  • Video game streaming scheduled
  • Vtuber content scheduled
  • Dance party being moved due to scheduling conflict
  • Gaming department needs to finalize schedule and get descriptions in
  • Guest panels coming together, still working on scheduling
  • Will be tweaking schedule in coming weeks
  • Swap meet vendor registration closing soon


  • Posters up around town including at UNR
  • Marketing asking for additional direction on plans/budget
  • Will discuss offline to clarify what is needed


  • Logistics seem mostly ready
  • Considering QR code scavenger hunt game again
  • Con book being assembled currently
  • Table map needed for vendors
  • Staff should sign contracts if haven't yet
  • Final Deadline for con book inclusions is Friday 10/27

SNAFU Con Meeting Notes, Final Meeting, 2023-11-11

Day 0 Events

  • Tabletop running local tournaments on Thursday as usual, dragon will help set up early
  • Swap meet run by Omega and Tim. Omega handling vendor check-in, Tim running swap meet. Omega will close swap meet Friday night.
  • Need 1-2 people to control Nevada loading dock door during vendor load-in as "air lock".


  • Omega handling vendor load-in - Thursday 5-8pm dock access, Friday 8-10am dock access
  • Still need security staff for loading dock door during load-in times


  • Pick up truck Wednesday 3pm, load storage unit
  • Unload truck Thursday morning 9am, hand off to eGaming ~11am
  • Unload truck in Silver State near dock, sign to say where colored boxes go
  • Tear down Sunday ~4pm, stage near dock for load-out
  • Truck back to storage Monday morning around 9-10am


  • Set up Thursday, open early if possible
  • Need hands for setup like taping lines, pipe and drape
  • Cassie managing Rouge Techs
  • Still need dragon's shifts for reg rounds


  • Handle Crunchyroll account for downloaded videos
  • Roku/phone to connect to projectors?

Main Stage

  • Working on getting wheelchair ramp or lift for Rave set
  • If no ramp, all DJs on floor instead of stage


  • Need volunteer coverage

Social Media

  • Add posts to drive engagement and ticket sales
  • Share schedules once finalized
  • Recruit help from Tim and Steven

Future Themes

  • We all pitched themes, discussed, and voted. Theme is announced in #staff in discord, and will be announced at main stage during closing ceremonies.