Other Conventions

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We have contacts with other cons. We love conventions and we love to increase this list.

Cons We Work With

BLFC (Biggest Little Fur Con)


BLFC is an annual furry convention located in Reno. The dates are usually in the spring. We are close friends with the convention chair. We provide each other information, equipment, and we also do an ad swap. BLFC provides SNAFU with more equipment/items than we can provide BLFC, so we are extremely grateful and we are always trying to help them out in any way we can.



FanimeCon is an annual convention located in San Jose and is always Memorial Day weekend in May. We have many contacts with the Fanime staff and many of our staff also staff at Fanime. However, Fanime does not do ad/table swapping. Fanime is an unofficial friend since we are on friendly terms with many of their staff and heads.

Fanime is also our favorite marketing target for fliering.

Kraken Con


Kraken Con is a biannual convention located in Oakland. We met Kraken Con while we were tabling at Sac Anime. They are wonderful people and we are doing various swaps with them and bringing them some programming.

Otakon Vegas


Otakon Vegas is an annual con located in Vegas in January. We are doing ad and table swaps with them. Additionally, we are bringing them programming including a taste of our hentai lineup.

Otakon Vegas is unique in that they have a large con backing and infrastructure but keep the small con feel since they are a satelite convention of the large east coast con Otakon (now known colloquially as "Otakon Prime").

PMX (Pacific Media Expo)


PMX is an annual convention located in L.A.. The dates are November (right after us!). We table at a lot of the same conventions and have been distributing fliers for each other.



SacAnime is a biannual convention located in Sacramento. The usual dates are January and August. We have done (and hope to continue) table swaps with SacAnime.

Things We Swap

We will swap one-to-one with any other convention of any size.

  • Tables
  • Ads (con book, website, flier distribution, etc.)
  • Badges for staff
  • Badges for promotional prizes


We will bring programming to other conventions if we have the ability and the other con wants it.

  • Improv 101 (Gen Audience)
  • Insert Panel (hentai, 18+)
  • Fully Unscripted Improv Show (Gen Audience or 16+)
  • Hentai Nights (hentai, 18+)
  • Hentai Redub Live (hentai, 18+)