Logistics: Load In and Load Out

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Logistics operates mainly before and after con. We may start set up as early as Thursday morning if the venue will allow. If not, we will begin set up early Friday morning (Probably around 4 AM). We will be unloading all the tech and gaming equipment as well as several tables and chairs. Then you have pretty much the entire con to enjoy with very little work. (We do have to re arrange the panel room and lock certain rooms) Logistics is also responsible for getting everything out of the GRS by Monday morning. After closing ceremonies is finished, we will start loading everything into the truck and take it away. We usually will be working until we are finished the last couple of years have been until about sunrise.


  • Must be able to work Thursday night and Friday Morning
  • Must be able to work and be active from 3PM Sunday to about 6AM Monday
  • Must be able to lift objects weighing up to 50lbs and assist in moving delicate arcade cabinets weighing 100-1,000 lbs


  • Follow the orders of the Logistics Head
  • Load/Unload truck at storage unit
  • Load/Unload truck at the con
  • Load/Unload tables and chairs
  • Load/Unload game cabinets
  • Obey weight limits on dollies
  • Assist in moving fragile electronic equipment
  • Set up tables and chairs
  • Assist in lockdown/opening rooms (Vendors/Registration)