Guests Procedures

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Revision as of 15:52, 28 August 2015 by Beta (talk | contribs) (Started guest procedures WIP)
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  1. Email is Received
  2. Guest is Considered and approved/denied by chair
  3. Upon Denial Guest is Emailed
  4. Upon Approval Contract Process Starts
  5. Once Contracted
    1. Reg created badge
    2. Social Media blasts info
    3. Programming Schedules Guest
    4. Design uses bios for con book
    5. Accounting Books flight (if necessary)
    6. Venue Liaison books room (if necessary)
    7. Merchants get contract signed for table (if necessary)
  6. At Con
    1. Merchants handles checkin/out of table (if necessary)
    2. Chair checks in on guests
    3. Programming checks in on guest panels

When [email protected] Receives An Email

This task can be handled by any trustable lackey who can write somewhat professionally (no typos). So - higher level general staff, or upper staff, cleared through Beta, Llama, or Sammich (as the best 3 professional writers on staff).

Guests email should probably get an RT and no longer forward to Programming or Social Media once this procedure is in place

  1. Once an email comes in, review the Evernote Guest File for the guest.
  2. If the guest is in the file:
    • Update the file with new contact info and/or any new info from the email
  3. If the guest is not in the file:
    • Create a new note for the guest from the template. Fill in as much information as possible.
  4. Email guest back to ask for more needed information, or verify information on file. We need to know:
    • Appearance fee and other requirements
    • Bio
    • Headshot
    • Contact Info
    • Any other information we need to know
    1. Add "[email protected]" as a One-Time BCC on your reply if you are requesting they reply to you for missing information
  5. If Guest does not reply within 1 week, FUT will email you a reminder about the email.
    1. Send Chair@ an email with the link to the Evernote Guest File
    2. Change RT ticket status to Stalled. (This will remove it from the guest Queue)
  6. If Guest does reply
    1. Update the Evernote
    2. Send Chair@ an email with the link to the Evernote Guest File
    3. Change RT ticket status to Stalled. (This will remove it from the guest Queue)
    • NOTE: FUT will still send you a reminder email - you can ignore it a

Guest Approval Process

After Approved

After Contracted


Social Media




Venue Liaison

Applicable Merchant Head

At Con



Applicable Merchant Head