Club Outreach

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The Club Outreach Team is a key element of SNAFU Con Marketing, connecting with local clubs and small organizations to foster mutually beneficial relationships through cross-promotion, discounts, and participation in convention programming.

Key Responsibilities

Club Engagement

The team identifies and engages with local clubs and organizations, promoting the convention within these groups. The aim is to create connections and promote the convention within these community circles.

Marketing Material Distribution

Team members distribute marketing materials, such as fliers, stickers, and buttons at club meetings.

Offering Discounts

The team can offer discounts to clubs and organizations via preregistration coupons, incentivizing early commitment.

Cross-Promotion Initiatives

They coordinate cross-promotion with clubs, facilitating logo placements in the convention book, programming sponsorships, and promotional exchanges. We have offered tables to clubs in the past and can do so with chair approval as long as there is available table space. There are business license considerations depending on if we are in Reno and what the organization is planning on doing at their table.

Collaborating on Programming

The team encourages clubs to contribute to the convention programming, one example could be role-playing or LARPing groups providing immersive experiences to attendees. Other groups have done more traditional panels.

Club Communication

Effective communication with club representatives is vital, with deeper club involvement beneficial but not required.

Getting started

  1. Identify Clubs: Research local clubs, small organizations, and informal groups that align with SNAFU Con's interests.
  2. Initial Contact: Reach out to these groups, expressing interest in potential collaboration and promotion.
  3. Prepare Materials: Gather marketing materials, such as fliers, stickers, and buttons. Make sure to include coupons for discounted preregistration.
  4. Visit Meetings: Attend club meetings when possible, distribute marketing materials, and discuss potential discounts.
  5. Propose Cross-Promotion: Initiate conversations about cross-promotion, such as logo placement in the convention book or shared advertising.
  6. Programming Collaboration: Discuss opportunities for clubs to contribute to convention programming.
  7. Maintain Communication: Keep in regular contact with club representatives, maintaining a healthy and productive relationship.

Remember, effective communication is key in all these steps. Good luck with your outreach efforts!