2021 Meeting Notes

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2021-06-26 - General Staff Meeting - Discord


  • There are no meeting minimums this year because we’re doing mostly online-only meetings.
  • Apply to be staff
    • Bug all of your people to apply
    • We need to figure out where our holes are in staffing
    • We know that we might have lost people because 2020 was… well… 2020
    • We need a vendor head (Update, Omega has joined as new vendor head)
      • Customer service with a backbone
  • Dragon is our new chair. Message @Dragon Paragon#0845 on discord for all of your dragon/chair related needs.He wants to be here for all of your needs.
  • John will be taking over e-gaming this year
  • Jared is taking over logistics
  • Created a Theme Department
  • Venue was on us hard in 2019 about power drops
    • E-gaming was more than expected
    • They will be charging for any uses of wall outlets
  • If we want a video room, we will need someone to run it
    • Reg will have video regardless
    • Video just needs to be watched/played/ make sure people aren’t walking away with equipment, but we don’t have anyone to do that
    • We went into the video rooms and asked the people watching it if they wanted to volunteer and all they would have to do is watch anime
    • We will need to screen better what we can show in reg
    • We may want to reduce the time from 24 hours to only when we have people scheduled
  • Cooldown room
    • Need rules regarding sleep and trash
    • Artist overflow? No
    • Convert it to workshops at certain times?
      • Low tech? Difficulty manning room to watch tech.
  • Coloring table
    • Very messy
    • Lots of broken crayons
    • Setup A frame for hanging pictures
      • Old signs?
    • Difficulty with dick checks
  • Swap Meet
    • Needs Signs in main hallways
      • 1 out in the hallway
      • 1 in the theme room
    • Need a person to take responsibility to put up a sign
      • Katana, Ali, and her mom
  • Day 0
    • Day 0 is difficult for attendees to know what is open and not
    • Day 0 map sign that shows what’s open? In reg
    • Day 0 signs
      • Need someone to own putting up signs in day 0
        • Judith Kenyon volunteered to own this task
  • Signs
    • Need to print them way early
    • Day 0 sign “Are you artist, vendor, swap meet? Go to the front of this line.” No not pass go, do not collect $200
      • Make announcements occasionally
    • Swap Meet
      • 1 out in the hallway
      • 1 in the theme room
    • Day 0 map sign that shows what’s open? In reg
  • What do we need to do before con?
    • Inventory
      • Will need to schedule a time in July or Aug to do inventory
        • End of July is Jared’s preference
      • Preferably when it’s cool outside
      • Everyone is welcome, we will make an announcement
    • Send out an email about reg is open and hotel reg is open
    • Fliers
      • Darian has a great start (poster)
      • Not going to print as much as we usually do
      • Stores and restaurants are especially crowded
      • Venues
        • Glass Die
        • Comic Kingdom
        • Coffee and Comics
        • Gaming Zone
        • Etc.
      • Dragon’s doing game stores.
    • Update webpage
      • Art and text
    • Merchant Layout
      • How many tables?
        • Artist alley vs club/org/guests
    • Merchant contract
      • Artist contract clauses are currently being tweaked, but mostly done.
      • Other merchants to follow.
    • When to open artist alley?
      • After artist alley contract is confirmed
      • Tentatively open July 10
      • Announcement out by July 1
      • Juried for the first 27 tables for this year only
        • All other will be put on a waitlist and will be distributed via lottery as tables open
      • When to close?
        • 2 weeks or 80+ applications
    • Need people about the theme
    • Convention Outreach
      • Are people going to cons? Take stuff like fliers and buttons(?)
      • We can support people that are going
        • Need people to make buttons
      • Dragon is going to several cons
        • Flier with every sale! :)
        • Free buttons (please only take one?)
    • Guests
      • Let us know if you want to help out
      • Dragon can do the talky-talky, but will need to be pointed in the right directions
      • We have repeat guests
      • We sometime reach out to Agents/Managers with our budget and guidelines and they send us a guest or 2
  • Advertise the manga library in the conbook
    • If you are doing something for the conbook and want an ad, let us know and we can easily advertise our own stuff in the con book. That is what it is for.
  • Theme
    • Tabletop will be doing theme related content
    • Will need departments to do their own theme stuff
    • We need people dedicated to only theme
    • Cardboard cutout of a delorean?
    • Cardboard tardis?
    • SNAFU Card games
      • Need graphics and printing cost
    • Need person to man the quest table
    • Fix the timeline by doing the quests
    • Signs for different sections of con “Welcome to the 80s” type signs
    • Consider pricing out cardboard arches
    • History Lesson panels
      • Reach out to Andre and Treyn
    • Space panels

2021-07-10 - General Staff Meeting - Discord


  • We opened Artist Alley applications this morning at midnight.
    • Artist Alley file size issue?
  • Next priority is to open Vendor registrations
  • New heads
    • Omega is the new head of Vendors
    • Waohyau is running cosplay
    • Dragon’s sister is running Video
    • Dragon has been working hard on getting new blood
  • Video
    • If you have any suggestions for video, please put it in #video-suggestions
    • We have sent permission requests from Sentai, Viz Media, and Funimation
      • Only Sentai has responded so far
    • Sammich needs to request Media Blasters / Kitty Media
  • Cosplay
    • Cosplay Ribbon history
      • 2016 (suits): I suit the theme.
      • 2017 (multiverse): I’m multiversitile.
      • 2018 (paranormal): I’m spooktacular
      • 2019 (adventure): Dressed for the Quest.
    • Cosplay Ribbon idea for 20201 (time travel)
      • Timeless Outfit
      • 88mph
      • GOAT
      • Future fabulous
      • Blast from the Past
      • Ahead of the times
  • Guests
    • Working on contract regarding the case where con is cancelled.
    • We have started reaching out to people about their requirements
  • Cosplay cafe
    • Working on contracts and working with the venue
    • Will be bringing equipment and audio
    • 5 maids, need 5 tables or fewer
    • Asked for possibly their own room maybe
      • Second stage, but we don't want tables in there
      • N11 or N12, but limited by space
  • COVID updates
    • No new updates at this time
    • We are still requiring masks at this point
    • We are planning to have hand sanitizer everywhere
      • If you run out, come get more at reg
    • We are planning to have extra masks, but we will not be advertising that we are giving them out
    • SNAFU branded masks, Nuriko is heading the project to make the masks.
      • Sell them at the con store
      • Staff discount (just over cost)
  • Get your marketing materials to marketing
    • We will gladly advertise specific panels, vendors, artists.
  • Theme
    • How to get people hyped about time travel?
      • Hand out old cosplay ribbons
      • First cosplay show on main stage
      • First cosplay photos as main stage slideshow
      • Conbook = yearbook?
    • We may need to consider rephrasing quests for time travel, but we don’t need to.
    • We need someone to do quests.
    • QR code game:
      • name to announce on main stage as Prime Time Travelers
        • Opt out: “I am a secret agent, please keep me under the radar.”
      • scan the code, decipher the clue, and enter the answer
      • Ranks for number of locations unlocked
      • Hidden QR codes as super villians
      • “Cave Johnson” style pre-recorded announcements
  • Graphics
    • We have fliers, buttons, and posters ready to print. They will be sent to print soon
      • Timeline = couple of weeks
    • If you drop off fliers, add it to the #flier-dropoff-updates
      • We would like someone to own this task to organize everything

2021-07-30 - General Staff Meeting - Discord


  • Fliers
    • We received them yesterday
    • I have told they look good
    • They are all currently located at Thomas’ house
      • Please work with @TJSomething#6887 to pick any up
  • Inventory
    • We will being inventory at our storage unit this Saturday the 31st
    • Public Storage near the GSR - 200 Telegraph St, Reno, NV 89502
    • Starting at 9am - expecting to be maybe about 4 hours
    • If you are helping, please mask up
    • Departments - If you want to have something inventories, please let Beta know ASAP
      • AA wants to know about hand sanitizer
      • Spot check a few markers
  • GSR
    • Unknown, but unlikely to supply hand sanitizer
    • Last convention, they charged us up the nose for water
  • Holes in Staff
    • Karaoke
    • Philanthropy
      • Work with our charity
        • Contact them, see if they want an ad in our con book, make sure they show up, greet them at con, help with charity auction (ie get donations)
      • Collect donations
        • Have some slips of paper to let the artist vendor fill out their information instead of business cards for credit
        • Washii tape makes things stick to things better.
    • Press
      • Press releases, press badges, press orientation, deal with press that just shows up
    • Main stage / programming
      • Have some stage presence, help ensure there is always something going on at the main stage
    • GUESTS
      • Need a dedicated guest liaison
      • Reading and writing emails, guest tracker spreadsheet, contract guests, get them into BACON
    • Hentai
      • Hentai runs on enthusiasm
        • Need fresh blood
      • Keep the room going, coming up with different activities and programming, stay up late (11pm-6am)
    • Programming general
      • Finding panelist, deal with panelist, checking in panelist, schedule panelist, room counts
    • Always need: Rovers, tech, registration
  • Room block
    • We are at 25% of our room block which is above previous years at this point