Copying A Mailchimp Campaign

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Revision as of 09:29, 6 September 2024 by Beta (talk | contribs) (started page)
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  1. Log into Mailchimp
    1. If you don't have a Mailchimp login yet, talk to one of our Admin to get you set up. You will receive an invite and set up your own login.
  2. On the left, click "All Campaigns" under the "Campaigns" header. If the option isn't there you may need to expand "Campaigns"
  3. Look for the search box for "Search Campaigns"
  4. Type the email you're looking for ("swap meet", "press", etc.). All our important blasts should have an existing email from a recent previous year.
  5. Find the email you want to copy in the list
  6. On the right side, to the right of "View report" there's a down arrow. Click it then select "Replicate"
  7. Edit the name using the link at the top of the page. It should follow a similar pattern of YEAR TOPIC ("2024 Swap Meet", "2024 Press", etc.)
  8. Update the subject as needed and the preview text
  9. Scroll down and under the "Email Link" section, edit the email link as needed (consider just removing the year from it so that it doesn't need to be updated annually)
  10. Once the email details are sorted, click "Edit design" to actually edit your email.
  11. Update the header by clicking the image then on the right click "Replace". It should open up our files.
    1. Current year header should already exist, otherwise reach out to the Graphics Design department to ask for a new Mailchimp Header. It frequently is the Twitter or Facebook header as the dimensions are similar.
    2. Select the image you want from the list (or upload the new one if it hasn't been uploaded yet)
    3. Click Insert in the upper-right
  12. Update the email text to be accurate
    1. Update and verify dates
    2. Update and verify costs
    3. Update and verify deadlines
    4. Review every link to make sure it goes to the right place
  13. Once you're certain the email is ready to go, reach out on discord in the #mailchimp channel to have someone else review your email. (All mailchimp users should be given access to that channel once they've been invited to mailchimp, it you don't have it, reach out to the Admin)
  14. After it's reviewed, if you have the permissions you can schedule it to go out, or one of our admin can. We rarely give that permission out to someone new.