Onboarding: Programming Director

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Software Access/Training Needed

  • Reg.Works for managing the programming schedule and panelists.
    • Note: Thomas (tjsomething) handles management and coding for Reg.Works, the Programming Director uses it to manage panel submissions and schedules.
  • RT (Request Tracker) for handling inquiries, managing panelist communications, and processing guest panel submissions.
  • BACON for administrative access related to panel and guest management.
  • Wiki for updating procedures and adding relevant notes.
  • Mailchimp (through collaboration with the marketing team) for programming-related communications, including sending blast emails.
  • Social Media platforms for promoting programming and coordinating with marketing to push announcements.

Tasks Needing Training

Pre-Con Tasks

Marketing / Getting Panel Applications

  • How to collaborate with the social media team to draft and schedule posts for panelist applications.
  • How to oversee Mailchimp campaigns related to programming (collaborating with marketing).
  • How to monitor and approve fan panel applications through Reg.Works and BACON.

Handling Panelist Applications

  • How to manage and approve panel submissions in Reg.Works.
  • How to use RT to communicate with panelists and guests about missing or incorrect information.
  • How to reach out via RT for clarifications, corrections, and confirmations.

Panelist Communication

  • How to ensure that panelist information (e.g., approval and scheduling) is sent out correctly through RT and Mailchimp.
  • How to trigger manual emails for panel confirmations and scheduling (via export for mail-merge if needed).
  • How to manage feedback collection from panelists and guests post-con.

At-Con Tasks

Programming Room Setup

  • Coordinating with tech and setup staff to ensure panel rooms are appropriately laid out and equipped (e.g., projectors, sound systems).
  • Overseeing the scheduling of panel rooms and ensuring everything is ready for each panelist.

Panelist Check-In Procedures

  • How to check in panelists and ensure they have badges and necessary materials.
  • How to handle last-minute changes or issues with panelists (cancellations, substitutions).

On-Site Management

  • Using Reg.Works for live scheduling changes and communication.
  • Managing and resolving programming issues in real-time, including scheduling conflicts or changes in room setups.
  • Working with guest liaisons to ensure guest panels are handled correctly and guests' needs are met.

Post-Con Tasks

Feedback and Follow-Up

  • How to solicit and process feedback from panelists and guests using email, surveys, or post-con meetings.
  • How to review programming feedback and provide recommendations for improvements to future conventions.

Backup and Data Management

  • How to ensure programming schedules, communications, and feedback are properly backed up.
  • How to collaborate with IT for recovering lost data or handling technical issues with programming systems.

Additional Responsibilities

Working with Development Team

  • Collaborating with Thomas on updates or bug fixes for Reg.Works.
  • Prioritizing export tools, reporting features, and other system improvements.
  • Assisting in testing new Reg.Works features (e.g., automated email functionality, guest handling).

Guest Management

  • Ensuring guest panels are prioritized and scheduled appropriately.
  • Coordinating with the guest liaison team to handle guest panel scheduling, check-ins, and last-minute changes.

Main Stage Programming

  • Ensuring that any mature content on the main stage follows con policies (e.g., no 16+ content from 6am-11pm).
  • Coordinating with main stage staff to minimize dead air and ensure smooth transitions between events.