Updating The Website Content

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Revision as of 17:36, 9 September 2024 by Beta (talk | contribs) (start page)
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Before you start, you need:

  • To be staff and have the proper permissions in the staff system to update the webpage. Most department heads have this position so you can maintain your own content.


  1. Log into BACON (Registration system)
  2. Go to Staff Home (under "Other"). The header will turn red to show you you're in a different section of the website.
  3. Under "Other" (again), find and select "Website" under the Communication & Media subheader
  4. Notice the two links at the top that would allow you to make a whole new page, or edit our sponsorship images.
  5. Scroll down to the page you want to edit
  6. Click the link "Edit Page Content"
  7. Update the content as needed
  8. Click Submit.
  9. Ignore any cloudflare cache errors

Things to know

  • Always have a date in the field. If any of the dates are empty, there will be an error. We've mostly resolved this, but it still pops up now and again on really old pages.
  • nl2br checkbox means that any line breaks you have will be on the webpage. You normally want this box checked, but sometimes it helps to turn it off for doing things like ordered or unordered lists in html.
  • Very limited html is allowed. Allowed HTML Tags: <p> <a> <br> <img> <b> <i> <u> <strong> <center> <div> <span> <font> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <blockquote> (Since it has huge potential to break the page we do not allow <hr> or <table>)
  • Because other html tags are stripped out, some pages may break if you try to update them because we've directly added the html into the database. Just pay attention to what html is being used. DO NOT UPDATE THE CONTACT PAGE; YOU WILL BREAK THE MAILCHIMP FORM
  • If you change a section to "archive" it hides it in the database and there's no UI to get it back. If you did this by mistake someone with direct database access has to fish it out of the database; there is no other UI for admin to fix this. Be absolutely sure you want it gone forever (or as close to forever as it gets in this situation).