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Marketing operates primarily pre-con, from the moment the dates of the con are announced up to through first day of con (although work is done during the convention as well). The department exists to promote the convention and draw in attendees or guests (mostly attendees). There are a number of ways this can be done; through Social Media, via the Press, with Con Outreach and Club Outreach, via Philanthropy, and by approaching people about Sponsorship. It is important, when applying to become a member of the Marketing team, that you determine where your strengths lay and apply for the correct sub-department.


  • Must be able to interact with members of the public in a positive, friendly manner.
  • Must be willing to operate at odd hours (5 a.m. for a TV spot; 9 p.m. for a radio interview; noon to post to Tumblr; 3 p.m. to call charitable organizations or visit local businesses), as well as the standard 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. work day.
  • Must be able to present a professional appearance when representing the Con.
  • Must be extremely enthusiastic about SNAFU Con as a whole.
  • Must be willing to spend at least a portion of the actual convention networking.