Radio Policies

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The policies regarding radios is as follows.


  • If you need a radio, either by order of a Senior Staff Member or due to the function of your job, you must check one out by speaking to the Staff Member in charge of Radio check-out/check-in. If there is no one actively checking in/out radios you MUST find a qualified staffer to do so for you. Do not take a radio.
  • Check-out/Check-in must be performed by a staff member who has been authorized by Haku or a chair.
  • You may not check out a radio for another person. (Exception: "location" radios such as Registration or Tabletop. However, if you check out a radio for a location YOU are still responsible for that location and anyone in your location who uses it! We will note the form with "loc" next to your checkout, but you it is still YOUR responsibility.)
  • Radios must be checked in at the end of your shift unless you are directed otherwise by your head. If you need to keep your radio after your shift, it must be noted on the checkout form.

Your Responsibility

  • After checking out a radio, the radio is your responsibility. If you lose it or break it, you will be charged for our replacement cost.
  • Radios must not leave the convention unless permission has been given by Haku, a chair, or an HR head. This must be noted on the checkout form.
  • Misuse of the radio in any form will result in lost of the ability to use the radios.
  • If there are any other questions, contact Haku.

Radio Use

See Radio Use for basic use and a list of our codes.

  • We are using a repeater in 2015. Use the instruction for how to use the radios with a repeater.
  • You need to talk on the radio as if there were kindergartners and easily offended parents listening: DO NOT swear/curse/cuss.
  • If you use any of the words you can't say on the radio (follow the link for the official list) -
    • Your radio will be taken away
    • Your badge will be pulled
    • You may be permanently banned from being staff
    • You will have to answer to Haku who is letting us use his radio license. In this situation he would not be acting as a staff member but an individual that you just screwed over.

See Also
