Legal Name Change

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We occasionally have people message us about name changes. We lock names in the reg system once we've verified them against an ID at registration to prevent people from trying to hand their accounts off to someone else.

Unlock their name so they can update it

  1. Log into BACON
  2. Go to the staff section
  3. Under the Users menu, select Fuzzy Search
  4. Enter the user's name, email, username, etc, to find them in the system
  5. Click on the user
  6. If we're still on the old user profile (likely), click "Go to new User Overview" at the top of the profile
  7. Click the lock next to the user's name to unlock it

Fix their badge name

We're hoping to make a UI for this, but at the time this has to be handled by the admin directly in the database and you will have to request that and keep on the admin to get it done.